PERFORMANCE videos Conducting and recording my new piece (TBA) with Sinfonia Nord in IcelandPlaying Aestival in my studio music videos Aestival (OMNI 1/7)Hiems (OMNI 3/7)Army of Gemini (OMNI 5/7)Valley of Mercury (OMNI 7/7)Autumnalis (OMNI 2/7)Vernus (OMNI 4/7)40 Stars (OMNI 6/7) film & VR scores OperatorUncertain, TXThe DialSlab City PromUncertain, TXCaterwaulAban + khorshidThe Street Network music for brands Google product campaignSocial justice campaign Tech Prep - Sandra's Story from Dogpatch Films on Vimeo.Facebook educational campaignMaiyet fashion filmMaiyet fashion filmMaiyet fashion filmMaiyet fashion filmGoogle product campaignMaiyet fashion filmFacebook educational campaign behind the scenes Making of the Operator scoreMaking of the Operator scoreVisual Concept Art for OMNI